Saturday, April 6, 2013

ME3: The Best Team for Platinum + Speedrun Tactics

Hello readers. In the wake of rampant missile glitching that's been going on recently, I'm going to attempt to explain Platinum speedrun strategy. This strategy is just about as effective as missile glitching but it won't get you banned.

I understand the need for farming because you need a ridiculous amount of credits to buy premium spectre packs or arsenal packs, and you need a ridiculous amount of those to unlock an ultra-rare card, and there are 21 ultra-rare weapons. That's 210 ultra-rare cards, not including characters. If you have decent luck you'll get about 1 ultra-rare card out of 14 rare cards. That's 7 premium spectre packs, which costs 693,000 credits. Now multiply that by 210, you get 145,530,000 credits. Obviously this is an over-simplified calculation, but you get the point.

Despite this, people shouldn't missile glitch to achieve this sum. Not only can you get banned, but it ruins the game for the people who just want to play. Speedrunning, however, is 100% legal. It gets you the same amount of credits in the same amount of time. The only thing is that it still requires some degree of player skill, team coordination, and equipment (guns, gear, consumables).

Here is a video by HardcoreSalmon that demonstrates the general idea of the speedrun.

Now that you've seen the video, let's look at the tactics and team play.

Obviously, you'll want to play on Firebase Glacier for the fastest time, since it is the smallest map. I recommend choosing Cerberus as the enemy because of their spawn patterns. Atlases are easier to take down than Primes and Banshees.

The first character is optional but preferably an N7 Demolisher Engineer. As the Demolisher, your job is to set up a Supply Pylon in the Hallway to resupply the Talon's Trip Mines. Also, you are responsible for blocking the spawns on the Landing Pad and the Balcony by standing on the Balcony and looking towards the Talon in the Hallway (as seen in the first video). Have your missile at the ready in case a Banshee or Phantom slips through the Talon's defenses. Also be prepared to help clean up near the end of each wave after the objective is completed and/or the enemies stop respawning.

Note that on objective waves, enemies will continue to respawn until the credits pop up on your screen. If possible, save your missiles until you see the credits, then clean up the stragglers. However, don't be afraid to use a missile to clear the hack circle even if it is 3/4 of the way finished. Better to use a missile than to fail the wave.

It is required to have two Talon Mercenary Engineers on the team. One of the Talons is responsible for blocking off the Dark Room spawn and shooting Trip Mines down the stairs into the Basement. He will not see as much action as the Talon in the Hallway, whose strategy is highlighted in the video below. Basically, the other Talon's job is to stand in the Hallway overlooking the Basement and spam Trip Mines into the Basement, clearing out the majority of spawning enemies. When you run out of Trip Mines, use a Thermal Clip pack to replenish your supply. If a Banshee slips past you, call it out and have the Demolisher cover your back.

In case the Talon in the Hallway runs out of Thermal Clip packs, usually after Wave 5, then the two Talons should switch posts after the Wave 6 Objective. Don't forget to call it out!

In theory, a no Fitness Talon with the Assault Loadout for extra Thermal Clip packs would have the best grenade capacity. However, with a Demolisher on your team supplying extra grenades, you have the flexibility to max Fitness instead of Concussive Arrows and compensate with a Grenade Capacity mod. Thermal Clip packs only resupply up to 10 grenades, so you don't gain much from maxing your capacity above 12.

Finally, you want one Drell Assassin Infiltrator, though a Volus Engineer can do the job in a pinch. This guy's job is to set up a Recon Mine in the Basement to debuff and slow down all the enemies as they spawn down there. He is responsible for blocking The Nook, which is the cavity in the wall between the Balcony and the Dark Room. He needs to be able to move quickly around the map to help clean up stragglers near the end of each wave, using missiles if necessary, and run back to his post before the next wave. He is also responsible for delivery objectives, especially if he is using an adrenaline module to boost his speed even more.

I hope that covers everything. So if you were missile glitching or thinking of missile glitching, consider this as an alternative and find a team to do speedruns with. There are even speedrun groups on BSN for all platforms, so if you need teammates you can always join one of those groups.

Good luck everyone, and may the RNG store smile upon you.


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