Monday, November 19, 2012

ME3 Character Guide: Vorcha Hunter Engineer

What's up everyone. Crunch week is winding down for me, so I thought I'd get around to this guide. I don't really know why Bioware made the new Vorcha with this skill set. It's not an utterly terrible kit as some people say, but I'm not prepared to call it a good kit either. It works well enough, but I'm probably not going to use this on Platinum as Bloodlust relies heavily on quick, consecutive kills. If you can maintain your momentum as a Vorcha, you're good to go.

Other than that, I don't think there's a big secret to this character. I imagine that a lot of players won't know how to play this kit effectively when the simple fact is that this character just wasn't that effective to begin with. Unfortunately, it doesn't stand out relative to other new characters like the Ghost, Valkyrie or Geth Trooper. However, don't let this discourage you from using the Hunter. He's a fun character, just don't expect a major departure from the other Vorcha kits.

Vorcha Hunter
Submission Net: 4-incapacitate, 5-damage & slow, 6-electric field
Incinerate: 4-damage, 5-burning damage, 6-armor damage
Bloodlust: 4-health regeneration, 5-weapon damage, 6-health regeneration
Vorcha Resilience: 4-damage & capacity
Fitness: 4-durability

Recommended Inferno rounds, or Cryo rounds to a lesser extent.

I wasn't sure how to make this build at first. Should I go with massive power damage bonuses? Should I skip Submission Net? Or Incinerate? Do I dare skip Bloodlust? Ha ha ha NO... I'm going to take them all. The genius of Bloodlust is that it more than compensates for your deficiencies in the Passive and Fitness branches if you can maintain your stacks.

Let's talk about Submission Net (SN). It is no Stasis, and that's something that our technologically crude Vorcha "Engineer" will have to live with. Fifty percent of the enemies in the game will evade SN ninety percent of the time. Long story short: it kinda sucks. Unless you can trick the system by staggering enemies with your weapon. Whether you choose the GPS, Graal, Falcon, or even the Scorpion, attempt to stagger evade-happy enemies first before ensnaring them. This works most consistently at close range. Once they are trapped in the net, if you're a Blood Pack enthusiast, feel free to slow roast them over a fire and feast on their flesh (or metal alloy if you're facing Geth). The rest of you who aren't bloodthirsty freaks, go for the easy headshot or an Incinerate tech burst. I do recommend the Graal since it has a 3x headshot multiplier, making it pretty lethal to enemies with... heads, which I think includes everything but Atlases and maybe Pretorians (?). I do say 'pretty lethal' because sometimes enemies will take about five 6-inch spikes to the face and manage to walk away. Probably will need an eyepatch or two, though. Anyway...

Incinerate is a nice power to have on higher difficulties. Peep Lord Narida's class builder and see how much damage Incinerate can do with all the bonuses. And you don't even have to aim! Those of you having trouble with Dragoons: problem solved. Oh, and Incendiary ammo --> Incinerate fire explosions are nice.

The Vorcha's signature power, Bloodlust, is your gin and juice bread and butter (sorry, I was listening to Snoop Dogg earlier today). We mostly care about the health regeneration and the weapon damage stacks. Once you get the hang of the character, you'll be running around on a killing spree like a rabid schizophrenic wolf with a shotgun. If that didn't make sense, well, it won't make sense when you outscore your Geth Infiltrator teammates. But if you do top the scoreboard with the Vorcha Hunter, then congratulations, you must understand the key to Bloodlust. But in all seriousness, you need to focus on low-to-mid tier enemies in order to keep your Bloodlust stacks at a maximum. This will increase your damage output and survivability.

For passive, I go with the extra capacity and power damage just to give a small boost to Incinerate and to mitigate the recharge penalties a little. Bloodlust gives you up to 15% weapon damage bonus, which should be sufficient for most enemies.

Finally for Fitness, I go for the extra health and shields. The health is what really matters since it actually regenerates faster than your shields. Don't play this character like the Flamer Vorcha, since you probably don't have as large of a health pool to tank enemies. The strategy is hit-and-run.

That's about it, I think. Enjoy the build guys. Thanks for reading.


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