Saturday, July 6, 2013

On "Spectre Edition" Guides

Hello everybody. It's been a while so I'm going to ramble on about stuff you don't care about.

A while ago I was nominated/inducted/chosen by some friends to join S.P.E.C.T.R.E., which is a group of the "best" players on Bioware Anti-Social Network. I've grown as a player before and after that point (and continue to), and so I though my guides should reflect that. A lot of them are outdated and/or straight out wrong, and so with these "Spectre Edition" guides, I hope to bring you the most complete and accurate guides that I can. This will be easier since new balance changes are no longer changing the game constantly, but I am not a data miner, so I can't explain every nuance of the character as well as some people can.

As a "Spectre", I suppose I'm now subject to higher expectations and greater scrutiny. So my build standards are generally:
a) Built with Platinum in mind (Platinum worthy),
b) I can score well with them, generally 200k points indicates to me that the build works (not that score is that important), and
c) I try to make the build unique and avoid "clone kits", for example, building the Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel the exact same way.

So that's the story behind the Spectre Edition guides. Coming to a blog near you. Peace out.


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