Sunday, September 9, 2012

Goodbye, Platinum

Hello everyone. I have a spontaneous opinion article for you today regarding the sad state of the ME3 community. Honestly I'm surprised there is still a community to be spoken of, considering the short-sighted design of Mass Effect 3's multiplayer.

What are the problems? There are many. So many that sometimes I just quit mid-game because I simply don't care if I wasted my time and consumables. Sometimes it is that bad.

These days, I mostly play the game for fun by using different builds, but on occasion I want to unlock a new gun or something to fill out my manifest. And let's face it, EA/Bioware designed the RNG store to keep people interested in the game in order to make money. You may have heard a story or two about ME3 players emptying hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of micro transactions into the store. Remember to thank them for paying for your "free" DLC.

Anyway, when I need credits, I go to Platinum because I can get 135,000 credits in around 20 minutes with a good team (legitimately, mind you). Bioware did give us Platinum because many players weren't feeling challenged enough by Gold anymore. And the credit bonus is great when you have maxed out your gold weapons and are looking for Ultra Rares. At that point, it all comes down to dumping massive amounts of credits into PSPs. Platinum is undoubtedly the most time efficient way to make credits.

Alas, it takes an indefinitely long time for me to even find a decent Platinum PuG. Even if I find one, it only lasts for one or two games, and then disperses. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone who is that interested in ME3 anymore who I can play Platinum with. I know that my interest is dwindling as a result.

I suspect that 99% of Platinum public games are either missile glitchers or newbies looking to be hand-held through Platinum. I have been in both kinds of games before, and I'll tell you they are no fun. Let's face it: Platinum is just bait for the sharks and guppies.

Look, I like ME3 and I like making guides to help people step up their game, but the vast majority of players will never see this blog. The vast majority of them won't even look at any guides because they simply don't care. And if you're a casual gamer, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But I can't play with you on Platinum if you're like that. Dare I say, I wish there was some kind of prerequisite for Platinum. That way I wouldn't have to go through the grueling process of finding a good game.

As it is, I will not be playing Platinum public games anymore. I just can't keep playing like that. It's just not fun. So goodbye, Platinum. I hope things get better someday.



  1. I did not even know you could finish a plat game with randoms :D

    1. This post is kind of old, so recently I have been testing the waters in Platinum pugs. There are still a lot of missile glitchers and tag-alongs but I actually managed to find a good lobby one day. I sent them all friend requests afterwards. It is possible, if only remotely.

  2. MACave11i, there are good Platinums out there. You are right about the glitchers. They are very popular. If you want to Platinum one evening on PS3 I am "Stanlos" on PS3 and I need to do 200 waves with the Council races as part of Best of the Best acquisition. Perhaps we can work together!

  3. Missile glitches wouldn't be so bad if they'd let other play too Instead of just using us to keep them alive and for doing the objectives I think its horrible for a party to say they are not doing the glitch and then do it anyway I asked how come ? The responce, If you don't like it you can quit So that's exactly what I did I mean if the responce wasn't so rude and wasn't a admitting that they lied because they needed support I might have stayed
