Batarian Soldier
Ballistic Blades: 4-cone spread, 5-range, 6-explosive blades
Blade Armor: 3
Inferno grenade: 4-damage, 5-damage, 6-radius & shrapnel
Batarian Enforcer: 4-damage & capacity, 5-power damage, 6-damage & ammo
Fitness: 4-durability, 5-shield recharge
I recommend a medium weight, high-damage weapon for bosses, as this character can take on pretty much everything else from basic troopers to Phantoms just by using his powers. Such weapons include the Harrier, Piranha, Wraith, and Hurricane. Some weapons like the Raider, Claymore, Geth Plasma Shotgun, Graal, and Reegar work but are a little heavy. Consider replacing Blade Armor with rank 6 of Fitness if you want a better cooldown.
Your ammo mod really depends on what enemy you are facing, as you can't trigger your own tech explosions with this character (as far as I'm aware). He's excellent for priming fire explosions, though.
Blades and grenades: the meat and (hot) potatoes of this build. This combo will annihilate crowds, save for boss-level enemies. I spec Ballistic Blades for maximum crowd control. The important evolution is explosive blades, which lets you double-stagger enemies. This is very useful against Phantoms and such, allowing you to hit them with your Inferno Grenades. Basically, stun lock all the things.
The 25% DR from Blade Armor brings you to approximately 1600/1600. Cooldown isn't a big deal with this character, but you still don't want your Ballistic Blades to take too long. As I said, adjust your build to achieve a cooldown that meets your needs.
The grenadier playstyle of this build brings the Krogan Soldier to mind, and the strategy is similar. Use Inferno Grenades against groups of lesser enemies as well as armored targets. If you don't have a high-level grenade capacity mod, you may want to take extra grenades for evolution 5 instead. Otherwise, take all damage evolutions to deal massive damage over time. Evolution 6 is not prescriptive, I just prefer radius and shrapnel for better crowd control. You're more likely to get killstreak medals if you can hit more enemies at once. Try staggering an entire enemy spawn with Ballistic Blades and then lobbing an Inferno Grenade in the middle of them.
For Batarian Enforcer, I take all power damage bonuses and weapon damage, which is pretty typical for any caster/grenadier build. Finally, I take durability and shield recharge in Fitness. If you can deal with the longer cooldown, taking 3 ranks in Blade Armor for 25% DR is better than 30% health and shields. I find that 15% shield recharge delay is superior to and additional 5% DR from Blade Armor, though that is an option. Remember that shield recharge delay varies by difficulty, so this evolution is somewhat more useful on Platinum.
I think that's about it for the build. I know the Batarian Soldier is old, I'm a little late to the party, etc etc. Irrelevant, as long as some people get some use from this guide. Thanks for reading everyone. I know it's been a while since I've made a new post. I've mostly been editing old ones and perfecting some of the 200 Wave guides. Plus Bioware is on vacation so there's not much in the way of updates. I've been on vacation as well, as I'm sure many of you have, and so I'm just getting back to my day-to-day schedule. Anyway, I hope you all had a happy new year.
Also, check out RedJohn's Guide to the Batarian Soldier on BSN. He's sort of the resident Batarian Soldier expert. You should listen to him, not me.
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