Friday, February 1, 2013

31 January 2013 Patch Datamined

Greetings everyone. There have long been rumors of a so-called 'Reckoning DLC' coming to ME3 multiplayer, and with the patch yesterday, those rumors have been more or less confirmed. Dataminers peeked into the patch files and found some details that would make an elcor giddy with excitement.

The details so far:

  • assault rifle, shotgun, and sniper rifle ultralight materials.
  • "judging by the number of races in this DLC, there is a very high chance that this will have about the same number of characters as Retaliation if not more"
  • "most of the recent single player DLC weapons are getting added to multiplayer"
  • Co-op mode: "a multiplayer game mode that pulls your paragon/renegade values, reputation points and updates your plot progress from the single player campaign"
  • Challenges for Blood Pack Punisher SMG, Venom Shotgun, ADAS rifle, and Executioner Pistol have been found. 
  • A file for Biotic Protector has been found (not known if it's for SP or MP).
  • Chakram Launcher found.
My own speculation is that this is Bioware's last DLC, or last major DLC anyway. The game is nearly a year old, so I imagine that they need to move on to ME4. Retaliation was a big DLC, so I would think that this one will be even greater if Bioware wants ME3 to go out with a bang. 

I also suspect that some of the new weapons will be nerfed based on some of the things I've heard, either right out of the gate or soon after. However, as Bioware is now doing balance changes less frequently, who knows what they will or will not balance. 

The description of the co-op mode is a little sketchy, but it sounds interesting. I look forward to seeing how it plays out. And 'Biotic Protector' sounds like the Phantom/Banshee hand of denial. I don't know if it's a power, character, or something else, but that's what it makes me think of.

Finally, I suggest that everyone start saving up credits for the new DLC. 

Thanks for reading. Stay classy.

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