Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reckoning: First Impressions

Just a quick post I want to get out before I do any actual guides. I know I could easily boost my blog views by over 9000 if I posted guides for the new characters, but I'm going to actually learn how to use them before I post anything conclusive.

But first, I'm going to just go ahead and say it: next to the Earth characters, Reckoning's characters are some of the greatest kits that Bioware has created. I mean come on, the powers and the concepts are awesome. The community asked for a playable Geth Prime, Bioware gave us the Juggernaut. We wanted a true melee Krogan with Blood Pack armor and regenerating health, we got it. We wanted gender equality among Turians and poisonous weapons, and we got the Cabal. We wanted EDI bots, and we got that too. I assume that the Talon Mercenary is a tribute to the late Robin Sachs, who voiced Zaeed Massani. Bioware even met the Prothean requests halfway and gave us freaking Awakened Collectors justified by the lore. I mean come on guys, if you're not grateful for this DLC just because you didn't get a new Salarian or female Geth adept or whatever -- Bioware came up with some convoluted story behind the Awakened Collectors just so you could have a chance to play as one.

Retaliation was all about quantity. Reckoning was all about quality. If Bioware wanted to go out with a bang, they did it right.

Awakened Collector (ultra rare)
Geth Juggernaut
Talon Mercenary
Krogan Warlord
Alliance Infiltration Unit
Turian Cabal

Geth Spitfire (UR)
ADAS assault rifle
Venom shotgun (UR)
Blood Pack Punisher SMG (UR)
Executioner Pistol
M-7 Lancer assault rifle (UR)
M-11 Suppressor pistol

Geth Scanner
Batarian Gauntlets

Weapon Mods:
Assault Rifle ULM
Sniper Rifle ULM
Shotgun ULM
Pistol Power Magnifier
SMG Power Magnifier

P.S. Here are some notable tips about the new content:

The ADAS anti-synthetic rifle does 200% damage to shields and barriers.
The Geth Spitfire does 175% damage to shields and barriers.
The Cain Trip Mine does 150% damage to armor, shields, and barriers.
Siege Pulse does 135% damage to armor, shields, and barriers.
source: Eric Fagnan

I hope to have builds up soon. Until then, stay classy.


1 comment:

  1. I'm still trying to get the Cabal and the Talon merc. I keep getting things like appearance customization for the Volus engineer. Damn you random item store.
