Saturday, May 11, 2013

ME3: What Packs Should I Buy? + (Un)Luckiest Arsenal Pack of All Time

What's up everyone? Just a brief overview of some of the packs available in the random number store. This is generally what you will get, though you have a small chance of getting lucky.

Recruit Pack: 2x single consumable card (Missile, Ops Pack, Medigel, or Thermal Clips), replaced by common equipment if consumables are maxed (you have 255 of each)
2x common equipment
1x common character card (62500 xp)

Spectre Pack: 1x 5-pack consumable card, replaced by an uncommon equipment if consumables are maxed
3x uncommon card
1x rare card, with a chance for an ultra-rare

Premium Spectre Pack: 1x 5-pack consumable card, replaced by uncommon equipment if consumables are maxed
2x uncommon card with a chance of a common character (125000 xp)
2x rare card, each with a chance for an ultra-rare

Jumbo Equipment Pack: 1x 5-pack Missile
1x 5-pack Ops Pack
1x 5-pack Medigel
1x 5-pack Thermal Clips (all consumable packs are replaced by a random equipment card if that consumable is maxed out)
6x random common or uncommon equipment card, or 2-pack consumable card if not maxed

Arsenal Pack: same as Premium Spectre Pack except you are much less likely to get a rare character card, and will never get a common character card (as far as I know). This means more weapons and more equipment cards.


The Luckiest Arsenal Pack of All Time

The Unluckiest Arsenal Pack of All Time

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